Sunday 15 March 2015

Presentation Critiques x3

Critique No.1

- Megan - 
Ritual of making tea and forgetting about drinking it. The client forgets to drink the tea since they have to wait for it to cool down beforehand.  What Megan has created is a cylinder shaped structure with a spiralling staircase in the middle.  Downstairs is the kitchen where the tea is 'made' and there is a tea shoot from the bottom story to the top story.  I like the concept of her trying to force the client to drink her tea by making sure she's never far away from the tea.  Also the cylinder structure, centres everything and where ever you are in the room the same distance you are going to be away from the tea. What needs improvement is how the tea is made.  There is no clear area or place where the tea is made.  If the tea is made by a machine like a coffee machine and then could travel around the house on some kind of contraption then the client wouldn't forget to drink her tea.  The reason why she forgets to drink it is because its too hot to drink straight away, so if the tea was made at the right temperature to drink straight away then that would help.  I don't completely understand the bean bags and why there are so many of them.  The diameter of the space is 6metres which is quite large especially if you are wanting them to be close to the tea at all times.  I do like the cylinder shape though because its different to the typical linear space especially for a 'home' environment. How the tear moves about needs a little more improvement as well but I do think Megan has made a good start and is going in the right direction of fulfilling her brief and her clients ritual.  Textures and materials could also be explored further but this apples to most people not just Megan's work. 

Critique No.2

- Sasha -
For Sasha's clients ritual they undergo sleep paralysis most nights while sleeping.  Sleep paralysis is more a less a muscle weakness where your mind is awake but your body is still asleep and 'paralysed,' you are unable to speak or move and I can imagine would be quite freaky and scary. She has split the space into 3 different sections representing different aspects of the ritual.  Section one is a normal space, 'reality' a kitchen and living space where you are awake.  Section two is the shadows, noises, textures, its the in-between of being awake and asleep.  Section three is an underground space of the actual sleep paralysis, asleep but mind awake, the space is dark and claustrophobic since the client can not move.  What I like about Sasha's work is the differences with all these sections/spaces.  They create a clear contrast in feelings and experiences which is what she is trying ti portray.  The second section will most defiantly be a hard space to create.  The whole design can be pushed further and I think material analysis would help immensely,.  The underground 'sleep paralysis' section is good but also needs improvement.  The idea of having it underground and dark are both good aspects of it.  Its material factor and whats happening in the space needs to be looked at, explored further and modified.  This space should be overly exaggerated as it is, as I feel, the most important aspect of the ritual. Further design development with added research and material experiments will push Sasha's work to something quite different and successful in portraying her brief and clients ritual.

Critique No.3

The ritual of Emily's client is she wraps herself in her duvet to de-stress.  Emily has stuck with the original 20 Wallace Street building and create a cocoon like structure, encapsulating the house.  This idea of wrapping the physical space to represent the ritual is something I thought appeared quite aesthetically pleasing.  The interesting architectural structure a long with the added material properties of coloured glass work quite well.  Emily has done a lot of material experiment testing and this is clearly showcased in her work and has helped her a lot, I myself will benefit from doing this for my own work.  Integrated into the house are pools created mist and warmth, stimulating the feeling of being cosy and warmly wrapped up in a duvet.  This feature is creative in stimulating the same feelings and the pools are also considered relaxing.  What needs improvement with Emily's work is textures and what material matter she is going to use within the space.  This will help push her work further and complement her cocoon design.  Potentially some form of duvet material should/could be integrated as this is an important aspect of the ritual, but then again the whole building and design is quite symbolic to the ritual and brief. 

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